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New Class Information 2020/2021

Hi Parents/Carers,

The children will bring home the letter below  that outlines our starting routine and information needed regarding our class information.  They will also bring home their reading books.

Please use the ppt below  which I would normally go through at our reading meeting with you. Unfortunately, there will not be a reading meeting but any questions I will be happy to answer after school. 

I hope this is helpful,

Mrs Martin

Useful and important information.


yesReading books to be returned to school every day please.


yesChildren need to wear their p.e. kits every Wednesday for p.e.


yesPlease make sure the children have a coat.


yesWater bottles (named) need to be filled with fresh, clean water at home and sent into school every day.


yesPlease label all clothing.


yesPhonics challenges (homework) will be sent home every Friday. This must stay home and it will be a focus for follow up the week after during lessons.




