Hi Reception,
I hope you are well, happy and smiley
I know you cannot be in school with us at the moment because you have to stay at home.
I have added some work below for you to keep you busy.
It is the same we are doing in class so you will not miss anything.
Keep safe, keep smiling.
Love from Mrs Martin
Daily warm up activity
Practise writing your full name (first and last)
Sing along and learn the days of the week song. (see link)
Discuss the days-
What day is it today?
What day was it yesterday?
Parents/ Carers,
Below are a range of activities linked to our learning for the first half of this term. We start the morning with name writing and a bit of a warm up phonic and number flash cards.
Below are some links and websites to help you
Phonics play
You can play phonic games on the phonics play website
Top marks is a great maths website with lots of activities and games on to play
Watch alphablocks – initial sounds and cvc building
Watch number blocks to develop number sense
Letters and sounds daily phonics Reception
Look on you tube for letters and sounds daily phonic lessons for phase 2 and 3
My phonics group are working on phase three digraphs- ch sh th
Mrs Edwards-phonics
You are working on phase two- h, f, b, phonemes and 'ff' digraph.
Mrs Johnson - phonics
You are working on phase two phonemes m,d,o,g.
In our English lessons we will be reading stories with a winter theme like ‘The Three Snow Bears, The Polar Bear and the Snow Cloud'.We will be writing sentences about winter using our phonics and gathering information from pictures and non-fiction books.
We will be reading non-fiction books about polar animals.
English Challenge
Look at the picture below and think about the things you can see.
(Word document below)
Can you answer my questions?
What can you see in the picture?
What is the weather like?
How can you tell?
What are the children doing?
What are the children doing in the background?
How are the children feeling?
How do you know?
What are the children riding on in the background?
Now your task is to find out about winter at home.
I have added a ppt below to help you.
Can you find out about winter?
•What happens in winter?
•What is the weather like?
•What do the animals do?
•What do we do?
•How do we keep warm?
Writing challenge
Can you write down your facts about winter?
Can you draw a picture to match your writing?
Start with your normal warm up maths using the get fit and count to 100 song/dance I added (below).
Then do your number recognition using flash cards. (parents you can make these out of old piecies of paper, cereal boxes etc.
You will need to write the numbers on them and use them for the children.
For your maths challenge today, I would like you to write your numbers.
Can you write your numbers to 10?
Remember they need to be formed correctly and the right way round.
You could even go on a number hunt to find all the numbers you can around the house, on your front door.
Have a look and see what numbers you can find.
Expressive Arts and Design
Can you make a winter themed picture?
Physical Development
It is really important we keep fit and healthy.
I would like you to get a bit of exercise.
You can dance, hop, skip, go for a walk or on your scooters.
It is important that we get lots of fresh air and exercise.
If you cannot go out into then you can join in with some of your favourite dances we do in class.
I have added them below.
We are always working on our social skills in class.
We learn to take turns, listen to tohers ideas, share and solve problems.
We love learning and playing new games together and we love to build and make things with our friends.
You could build something out of Lego or Stickle brick with your grown- up.
You could play a game of snakes and ladders, dominoes or whatever games you have at home with your family.
You could do some colouring with your grown-up or complete a jigsaw.
Knowledge And Understanding Of The World
In our english lessons we have been finding out about winter. What else can you find out?
What is the weather like?
What happens to the animals?
What hapens to the plants?
What do we do in the winter time?