Good Morning Reception
How are you today?
This morning I would like you to listen to or read the story (below) again.
Can you help your grown up read different character parts?
Remember to change your voice for each one.
Can you do a deep voice for daddy bear?
I would like you to think about Aloo-ki.
What is she?
Where did she live?
What does she have?
What does she do?
Can you write some sentences about Aloo-ki?
Example: Aloo-ki is an inuit and she lives in the Arctic.
Aloo-ki lives in an igloo.
Aloo-ki likes to go fishing for her food.
Aloo-ki has some Huskie dogs and they pull her on her sled.
Aloo-ki found the three bears igloo and went in side.
Don't forget your Capital letter, finger spaces and full stops.
Good luck
Do not forget to join in with your phonics lesson today.
Mrs Martin's phonics group -11.30am
You will be looking at the digraph 'ur' today
Miss Meacher's phonics group- 11am
You will be looking at the diagraph 'sh' today.
Mrs Burn's phonics group -10.30am
You will look at the sound 'm' and 'd' today.
I have added a phonics blending song for your warm up and do not forget phonics play games.
Good Afternoon Reception
This afternoon I would like you to continue your counting. Start with your counting warm up below.
Adults can you clap or tap a few times for the children to count?
Your grown-up will clap or tap.
You will need to listen very carefully and count how many they do.
On your board write down the answer and see if you get it right.
Maybe you can clap for your adult to count too!
Remember listen very carefully and count along.
You can pick one of the counting sheets from your pack or you can use the ppt below.
If you use the ppt you can write the numbers on your whiteboard for you adult to check.
Enjoy your afternoon
Mrs Martin x
This afternoon we are going to be doing R.E.
You will be reading one of the stories from the Bible.
It is one of the stories Jesus heard.
It is called Moses in the Bulrushes.
Listen to/read the story with your adult and talk about it.
Can you answer (discuss) the questions below?
What did the Pharaoh order his soldiers to do?
What did Moses's mum do?
Where did Moses's mum put the basket?
Who found Moses? What happened?
Who looked after Moses?
To finish you can draw a picture of Moses in the Bulrushes .
If you want to do a bit more writing (extra challenge) you can and write a sentence about the story.
Well done Reception, have a lovely afternoon.
Super work