Good Morning Reception
Daily reading with the online reading books- google shala
How are you today?
This morning we are going to do a sounds warm up and then dough gym.
Do not worry if you do not have dough, you can just do it on your hands like we have to do when our dough is too sticky!
Don't forget show and tell on zoom this afternoon.
This morning I would like you to work on your handwriting. There are some booklets in your home learning packs for those of you that print.
If you do cursive writing in school make sure you try to do your letters in cursive.
Today's letters are;
h b f l
I have added a ppt below to remind you how to form you letters.
This week in phonics you have been doing an amazing job.
A big WELL DONE to everyone.
Mrs Burn's phonics group you have been looking at your previous sounds and focusing on 'ck' this week.
Start by writing your full name and then sound out and label the pictures below with the sounds you hear.
I have added your sheet below with your phonics work on or you can use the pictures below.
Adults the images are
Miss Meacher's phonics group you have been looking at 'ee' and 'igh' I have added a sheet below for you or you could use the images below to write the words for.
Tricky word spellings
Adult the images are jeep, tight, fight, light, night, rain, feet and chain.
Can you write a question for the picture below?
My phonics group you have been looking at the digraph 'er'.
I have added a document below with your phonics work on.
This week we will revise 'ear' and 'air' trigraphs and looked at 'er'.
Please label the pictures below.
Tricky word spellings: they have are all
Adults the images are haur,dinner, beard, tear, jumper, chair, farmer and hammer.
Good Afternoon Reception
How are you this afternoon?
This afternoon I would like you to warm up with your number recognition work. I have added a video below for you to warm up with.
Can you find the missing numbers on the number lines?
Which ones can you do?
This afternoon we are going to continue with our addition work.
There are several addition sheets in your home learning pack.
Please pick one for today.
Extra Tricky Challenge
Can you solve my word problems?
Don't forget to have a look at Dazzling Darren and his
magic maths show at 2.30pm.
Final Challenge
Mr Wright has been talking about the theme of the week being 'Yes You Can'.
Think about what you can do and discuss it with your adult.
Have a lovely weekend.
Keep looking out for the birds.
Keep safe and well.
Mrs Martin