Welcome to our PSHCE page!
(Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education)
At ST PETER’S C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL, we understand the significance of PSHCE and therefore we allow it to take an integral role in our day to day learning. We do this by enabling our children to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, both in the present and in the future, so as to become responsible members of society and make a positive contribution to it as they grow older.
In order to teach PSHCE effectively, our KS1 and KS2 classes follow a scheme of work by the PSHE ASSOCIATION, which focuses on the three main areas of Relationships, Living in the wider world and Health and wellbeing.
RSE (Relationships, Health and Sex Education) is taught in addition to the statutory Science curriculum and provides factual and age appropriate knowledge about conception and birth. It also covers the use of correct terminology when talking about private and sexual areas. In preparation for the secondary RSE curriculum, sex education teaches pupils to recognise the difference between intimate and non-intimate relationships, promotes healthy committed relationships, consent and the values and responsibilities required to build healthy adult relationships. It also teaches pupils to recognise their right to their own physical and emotional space, how to keep themselves safe, and how to report concerns or issues.
If you would like to see our RSE policy, please look in the policies section of the school website, which can be found under the tab 'Values and Policies'.
PSHCE in the Early Years
Our Early Years staff are currently in the process of implementing a new PSHCE scheme of work by, 'Think Equal'. This programme focuses on PSED, Mental Health and Developing Empathy and Understanding, through stories from a range of different cultures.
The Think Equal motto is, 'Empowering Change Through Education,'