Good morning everyone, well done for joining me on our final Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Your challenges today include, Literacy, Maths, Phonics and a final surprise task. Find out more about these below and as always the PowerPoint from today's online lesson is there too.
Don't forget, that you can email me your work or any questions to
I have also included this week's spelling test and at the bottom, I have included your new spellings for next week. I will put them on here for you to practise over the weekend, but I will also give you a printed copy of the spellings on Monday.
For your main task, I would like you to correct this piece of writing, as there are lots of errors in punctuation. You need to read through the passage and circle where you think there is a mistake. Then correct it. (Have a look on today's PowerPoint for an example).
Maths challenge- For today's task, I would like you to complete these number sentences. Unfortunately, there is a problem. All of the numbers sentences are missing numbers and it is your job to work them out. Use the number line (in your pack) to help you. If you need more support, have a look on today's PowerPoint.
Phonics challenge- For this task, I have added three worksheets below, for you to choose from. You can complete all of them or one, it is up to you. All of the worksheets are based around the phase 3 'oa' diagraph.
Here are your new spellings, which will be tested next Friday (12th March) in school. I will give you a printed copy of these on Monday too.
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green's group.
Well done for another amazing week of home learning. Miss Jones and I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and prepare yourselves for coming back to school.
Mrs Green
Thursday 4th March 2021
Good morning everyone, well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. I loved your super dressing-up outfits, you all looked great! We are going to do today's challenges a little differently today, seeing as it's a special day. Find out more about these below and as always the PowerPoint from today's online lesson is there too.
Don't forget, that you can email me your work or any questions to
I have also included this week's spelling test and at the bottom of today's activities. These are going to be tested tomorrow, so get practising!
Have fun completing your 'World Book Day' themed challenges for today.
Click on the PDF below, to be directed to a selection of books. The most suitable ones for you are on the left hand side. Once you have found a book you like, click on it and the author will read it to you.
Click on the school videos section on the website to play this game! Can you guess which bear is me?
Complete the answer sheet below, to be in with a chance of winning a £5 book token. Can you guess all the members of staff in the correct order? Once you are happy with your answers send them to
Below are two super websites which you can go on to complete interactive lessons and activities based around World Book Day.
Below are all the activities that I showed you during our Zoom lesson this morning. You can complete as little or as many as you choose. (All of these activities were included in the work pack, which you could have collected from school this week.)
Here are some more creative ideas, which you may want to complete today.
Here are some books that I love to read, I hope that you enjoy listening to them too. Avocado Baby
The Dot
Kitchen Disco
Kitchen Disco by Clare Foges
Sir Scallywag and the Golden Underpants
Sir Scallywag and the Golden Underpants by Giles Andreae ..
No-Bot The Robot With No Bottom!
No-Bot The Robot With No Bottom! by Sue Hendra
In all the excitement of today, don't forget to join our music lesson on Zoom from 1.15pm until 2.00pm. Mr Wright will send the code to your grown-ups, at some point today.
Don't forget to practise your spellings too :) Today, is your final day to practise them!
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green's group.
I hope you enjoyed all the World Book Day challenges that were set for you today. I am looking forward to seeing which ones you chose to complete.
Miss Jones and I can't wait to see you all tomorrow on our final online session (hopefully).
Mrs Green
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Good morning everyone, well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, RE and Topic. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget, that you can email me your work or any questions to
I have also included this week's spelling test and at the bottom of today's activities. These are going to be tested this Friday 5th March.
Use the checklist here to help you with your writing. Can you include all the features below?
Maths challenge- Today, we are going to have a go at two challenges, which involve addition and subtraction. You need to use all your Maths skills to help you to work out the answers.
Once you have looked at the PowerPoint, complete the worksheet below. You need to stick the pictures into the right place to show the life cycle of a frog and then write a couple of sentences to explain what happens.
Over the last few days especially, I have been so impressed with your phonics work on Zoom. For today’s topic challenge, I would like you to look at the picture below and then describe the setting. The setting is where the picture is, but you can also describe the nouns on the picture too, using adjectives (describing words).
Here is the worksheet which you can write your setting description on. If you need some help, have a look on today's online PowerPoint, where I have written two example sentences.
Well done for another super day of online learning. I am already looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
Don't forget, tomorrow is, 'World Book Day', so you can dress up as your favourite book character, whether at home or school. I can't wait to see some of your super costumes!
Mrs Green
Tuesday 2nd March 2021
Good morning everyone. Firstly, I would like to say a massive thank you to Charlie and Jenson, for dropping off last week's work pack. Well done boys, the effort you put into your work last week was SUPERB!
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, Art and DT. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget, that you can email me your work or any questions to
I have also included this week's spelling test and at the bottom of today's activities. These are going to be tested on this Friday 5th March.
Over the next few days, we are going to be think about how the characters felt at different points in the story. Today, we are going to think about what questions we would like to ask the little girl?
Practise your sentences orally first, then write them down.
I would like you to write at least 5 sentences, which include one of the question words listed above and a question mark. Don’t forget you’re asking the little girl.
For example,
Why do you think Biff loves ballet so much?
How did you feel when Biff turned up at your ballet lesson?
Maths challenge- For the first part of today's task, I would like you to watch this number bonds song to 20. Whilst the video is playing, see if you can remember some of the matching number bonds, for example, 18+2=20.
Once you have watched the video, have a look through the PowerPoint below. This will help your understanding too.
Then complete this worksheet below. You need to match the ice-creams to the cones, when the numbers are added together, they need to equal 20. I want to see all the number bonds to 20. For example, 0+20=20. 1+19=20 etc.
Art challenge- For this task, I would like you to read the instructions below to create a beautiful leaf lion. Don't worry if you haven't got all the equipment to create one, just improvise.
Finally, complete this worksheet. Here, you need to design your puppet and write some information about it too. If you get stuck, look on today's PowerPoint at the top of the page, to see my example.
Miss Jones and I hope that you all enjoyed your challenges for today and we will look forward to seeing you tomorrow on Zoom.
Only 3 more days of online learning to go!
Mrs Green
Monday 1st March 2021
Good morning everyone. I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and made the most of this lovely weather! This week begins our last week of online learning (hopefully!) I can't wait to see you all back at school next Monday.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, PE and Science. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget, that you can email me your work or any questions to
I have also included this week's spelling test and at the bottom of today's activities. These are going to be tested on this Friday 5th March.
Literacy challenge- For the first part of today's challenge, I would like you to have another look through the whole story of our book, 'Dogs Don't Do Ballet by Anna Kemp'.
Once you have looked through the information above, complete the worksheet below adding the correct ending to the singular nouns to make them plural. When you have completed them all, choose at least 3 of the new plural words to write in sentences.
Once you have watched the YouTube video and looked through the PowerPoint, complete this worksheet. Here, you have to finding the missing numbers to complete the number sentences to 10.
For an extra challenge, complete this worksheet too!
PE challenge- For your PE lessons today, you can either complete the next episode in the Cosmic Yoga Adventures called, 'Joybob The Polar Bear'.
Or you could complete one of Joe Wicks' PE lessons from last week. As always, feel free to go out for a walk, or on your bikes or scooters if you prefer.
Science challenge- Today, we are going to be looking at shadows and how they are created. Firstly, I would like you to look at the PowerPoint below, which shows are rhyme about shadows.
Finally, your main challenge today is to have a go at making some shadows (using the worksheet below). You can do this in one of two ways. Firstly, you could use a torch and shine it against a wall to create your shadows. The second option is to go outside in the sunshine and create your shadows on the floor. Have fun!
I hope you enjoyed all your challenges for today. See you all tomorrow on Zoom.
Mrs Green
Friday 26th February 2021 (Fri-yay!)
Good morning everyone. I hope that you all had a great time completing your challenges yesterday.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, Phonics and a fun animal alphabet challenge. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included this week's spelling test and at the bottom of today's activities, I have put your new spellings on too (which will be tested next Friday 5th March).
Literacy challenge- For today's task, I would like you to become the teacher. I have written some sentences below about our story, 'Dogs don't do Ballet' but I have made some mistakes. Firstly, I would like you to spot the mistakes and circle/highlight them. Then, sort the sentences into correct and incorrect (this is in relation to the punctuation used). Once you have sorted the sentences, I would like you to correct all the sentences that are incorrectly punctuated.
Maths challenge- For this task, I would like you to solve the answers to the word problems below. Look on today's PowerPoint for more support and make sure you use practical equipment to help you to solve the answers.
Have a look at how I worked out the answer to question 1 below. Firstly, I drew the pirates and then shared the coins equally. Secondly, I used post-its and pasta to symbolise the pirates and coins and practically shared them out. In both examples, 5 was my answer.
Afternoon Activities
Phonics challenge- For this task, I would like you to complete the worksheets below. You can either complete them on the worksheet or on a separate piece of paper. You need to read the tricky words and then write them down accurately, in your neatest handwriting.
Below are your new spellings, which will be tested next Friday 5th March.
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green's group.
Miss Jones and I want to thank you for another superb week of online learning. Only one more week to go and then we will all be back at school YAY!
We both hope that you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.
Mrs Green
Thursday 25th February 2021
Good morning everyone. I hope that you all had a great time completing your challenges yesterday.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, Music and PE. I have also added two extra reading challenges for you to complete aswell. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included this week's spelling test, which are going to be tested tomorrow. This is your last day to practise them before the test.
Literacy challenge- Firstly, I would like you to have another look at the beginning of the story below. Today, we are going to read up to page 13.
Then I would like you to focus on the photograph on page 13 (the one where the dog is in his kennel) and think about these two questions.
How might the little girl feel seeing Biff like this? What would you do if he was your dog?
Once you have thought about the questions above, we are going to think of one final question, that we are going to be answering during our lesson today...
Do you believe that Dad should let Biff go to watch the ballet?
Are you for or against? Now we are going to have a look at the sentences starters below. These starters will help you to explain your opinion to the question above, in the right way. Could you give more than one reason for or against? Or could you give reasons for both? Discuss your ideas verbally and then right them down.
Here are the sentence starters to help you to discuss and write down your opinions. Can you give more than one reason for or against?
Maths challenge- For today's task, we are going to continue to look at division, but during this lesson, we are going to focus on sharing between equal groups. Firstly, I would like you to watch this video about sharing.
Year 1 Division by sharing
Then I would like you to complete the worksheet below. Once you have finished that, attempt to complete the true or false question below too.
PE challenge- For today's PE lesson there are two options. Firstly, you can have a go at the next episode in the Cosmic Yoga series called, 'Pedro the Penguin.'
The second option is for you to complete Joe Wicks' PE lesson from Monday 22nd February.
For an extra challenge today, I have added two short comic books below. The first one is a little easier than the second one. You need to use your phonic knowledge to help you to read them. Have fun!
Don't forget to practise your spellings too :)
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green's group.
Well done for another super day of online learning and work. I hope that you have enjoyed all the challenges that I set for you today. Don't forget you can collect next week's work pack from school tomorrow morning, so make sure you collect it.
See you tomorrow,
Mrs Green
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Good morning everyone. I hope that you all had a great time completing your challenges yesterday.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, RE and History. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included this week's spelling test (which were set on the last day of the term) and they will be tested this Friday.
Once you have completed the short tasks above, this is the main activity that I would like you to do today. You need to add the 'un' prefix to the start of these words, which will change their meaning. You then need to write a sentence which continues the new 'un' word. (Have a look on PowerPoint to see an example.)
Extra challenge- Match up the root words to the matching 'un' prefix words below.
Maths challenge- For your task today, I would like you to have a go at the worded problems below. For this task you need to read the problems carefully, you may want to underline the key information and make sure you draw pictures or annotations to help you.
Here I worked out the answer to Q1. I drew my coins in 5's, as I knew that 5 was the number each pirate wanted. I counted in groups of 5 until I got to 35 (the total of coins.) Then I circled the coins in 5's to highlight what each pirate would have and altogether there were 7 groups of 5 coins, so 7 pirates would get 5 coins each.
RE challenge- Today, we are going to begin our new topic called, ‘Easter- Celebrating new life and new beginnings.’ For this lesson, we are going to look at ‘Spring’. (We will come back to this in a couple of weeks too). Firstly, I would like you to go outside on a walk. Whilst on your walk, complete the Spring checklist below, by ticking off the things that you see.
Once you have been on your walk, If you want to, have a go at the task below too. Here, you need to write at least 4 sentences about some of the things that you can see in Spring. Then draw a picture to match your writing.
Once you have looked at the PowerPoint, I would like you to cut out the pictures of the animals below and order them from most famous to least famous (in your opinion). If you want too, you can also write a short sentence about each animal too.
That is all your activities for today. I hope you enjoy completing them.
See you all tomorrow on our Zoom lesson,
Mrs Green
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Good morning everyone. I hope that you all had a lovely day yesterday, completing your challenges. I know the children in school loved the work on dogs. It was so lovely to see all your smiley faces on our Zoom lesson.
Well done to everyone who managed to pick this week's work pack up from school. It means that you don't have to print or draw anything out at home. Make sure you keep all your work safe, in your pack and then I can hopefully see it all very soon.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, Art and Geography. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included this week's spelling test (which were set on the last day of the term) and will be tested this Friday.
Literacy challenge- Below are the first five pages from our new story book, 'Dogs don't do Ballet' by Anna Kemp.
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Then, I want you to discuss the questions below:
What does “dreaming of his name in lights” mean?
What does he want to be able to do?
When we thought of things that dogs enjoy yesterday did anyone mention ballet? Why not?
How do ballet dancers move?
On page 4, we can see a picture of a ballerina on her tiptoes.
Do you usually expect a dog to walk like this?
How would you feel if you saw a dancing ballerina dog?
Is it what you usually expect to see?
For your task today, I would like you to focus on this page. Especially, the part showing Biff looking up at the tutu.
You need to pretend to be Biff from our story and write 2/3 sentences about what you think Biff is thinking in the picture, when he is looking up at the tutu.
Maths challenge- For today's task, I would like you to complete the worksheet below, about making equal groups to support division.
Geography challenge- For the first part of our task today, I would like you to watch the YouTube video below all about the seven continents of the world. Watching this video, will support some of your understanding of the next task.
Once you have watched the YouTube video, work through the PowerPoint below. Here you will look at a range of different animals from all over the world. Some are shown living in continents and some are from specific countries.
Now cut out the animal pictures below and use your map of the world to show where these animals can be found. You don't need to complete them all but do as many as you can.
Here is an example of one that I have created. Place the map in the middle and lay out your animals around the outside. You could use arrows to point to the right country or continent, where the animal can be found. (If you have picked up a paper pack from school, you could use a large piece of A3 paper to stick your map and animals down.)
Well done again for all your work today. I can't wait to see you all properly back at school, very soon.
See you all tomorrow on Zoom at 9am,
Mrs Green
Monday 22nd February 2021
Welcome back my lovely Year One children.
Good morning everyone. I hope that you all had a lovely and enjoyable break over half-term. I can't wait to find out what you have all been up to.
As Mr Wright mentioned on eeZeeTrip to your parents, we are now going to print out the worksheets on a weekly basis. This week's worksheets can be collected from Miss Taylor's office. You can collect them now and then return them the following week, when you collect the next pack. This will allow me to see your work properly and how your getting on at home, which is really important. If you want to continue to print the worksheets out yourself and email me the work, that is still fine also.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, PE and Science. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included this week's spelling test (which were set on the last day of the term) and will be tested this Friday.
Maths challenge- Today, we are going to begin our new topic on division. Firstly, I would like you to watch this video all about doubling and halving numbers. We looked at doubling before the holidays and today we are looking at halving. They are opposites, just like multiplication and division.
Pictorial way of doubling and halving numbers to 100.
Once you have watched the video, have a go at one of the worksheets below. They are differentiated according to ability. The one starred worksheet is the easiest and the three starred worksheet is the hardest. Pick the worksheet that is suitable for you. When doubling, you need to add the number to itself (2+2=4) When halving a number, you need to divide- share the number between 2 (2 shared bewteen2=1)
PE challenge- For your first challenge this afternoon, you can choose to complete the next Cosmic Yoga Adventure called, 'Frank The Frog'.
Or alternatively, you can choose to complete the PE With Joe Wicks lesson Wednesday 17th Feb.
Science challenge- Firstly today, I would like you to complete the I spy worksheet below. Count the number of light or dark items and write the answer in the box.
Once you have completed the first activity, You need to look at the PowerPoint below and have a discussion with your grown up to decide if the light comes from the object or if not, where does the light come from?
Finally complete the worksheet below. Firstly, you need to decide if the objects are light sources, you could tick or cross them. Next, you need to order the light sources from brightest to least brightest.
Miss Jones and I hope that you have enjoyed completing all your challenges for our first day back. We are really hoping that Borris Johnson gives us all some good news tonight and that we can all come back to school very soon.
See you all tomorrow on Zoom,
Mrs Green
Friday 12th February 2021 (Fri-yay!)
Our final day of the half term
Good morning Year One. I hope that you enjoyed all the challenges that I set for you yesterday.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, Dazzling Darren and Chinese New Year activities. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included this week's spelling test and I will put up your new spellings, which will be tested after the holidays on Friday 26th February.
Mrs Greens group- spelling test. Apologies to everyone who is in my spelling group. There is something wrong with the video and it wont let me upload it. I have to go in school now until lunch time, so will try my best to re-record it and get it up for you as soon as possible. (It will probably be at some point this afternoon.) If you want to do the spelling test this morning, you may have to ask your grown-ups to read the words to you. Sorry again
Mrs Green
Miss Meacher's group- spelling test.
Miss Jones' group- spelling test.
Literacy challenge- Firstly, have a watch on this amazing video, which tells another alternative version of the Little Red Riding Hood story. It's called, 'Honestly, Red Riding Hood was Rotten!'
Once you have listened to the story, complete the worksheet below. You need to write a list of reasons why it was LRRH'S fault and not the wolf's.
Maths challenge- For your maths task today, you need to complete the worksheet below. Here you can see that repeated addition of equal groups is the same as multiplication. Add the bumps on the bricks to help you to count the totals. Once you have completed the sheet, could you draw some building bricks multiplications for me to answer?
Dragons in the City ebookClick on the link below to be directed to the Twinkl website, where you are able to download this ebook for free.
Dazzling Darren- For this task, I would like you to look at this from the magician Dazzling Darren.
Click on the link below. This will take you to the Dazzling Darren page. He will be doing a maths lesson and showing you some magic tricks at the same time.
The lesson will be live at 2.30pm and lasts for 30 minutes.
Below are your new spellings, which will be tested after the holidays on Friday 26th February.
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green's group.
WOW Year One, what a fantastic half-term we have had doing our online learning. Your dedication and attitude to our zoom learning and the work that I have received from some of you have both been outstanding. Both Miss Jones and I are so proud of you.
We hope that you all enjoy your well deserved rest from school and we will look forward to seeing you on Monday 22nd February on our 9am zoom lesson. Hopefully, we can all go back to school very soon.
Have a lovely break and stay safe,
Mrs Green
Thursday 11th February 2021
Good morning Year One. I hope that you enjoyed all the challenges that I set for you yesterday.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, Music and PE. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included this week's spellings. Don't forget to practise them as today is the last day before the spelling test.
Literacy challenge- For the first part of this task, I would like you to listen to an alternative version of the Little Red Riding Story called, 'Very Little Red Riding Hood'. In this version, Little Red Riding Hood is a little girl and things are quite different.
Very Little Red Riding Hood written by Teresa Heapy
Once you have listened to the story, complete the worksheet below. You need to sort the information into the right columns on the worksheet. One is similarities (which are things that are the same about both stories) and the other is differences (which are things that are different).
Maths challenge- For the first part of today's task, I would like you to look at this PowerPoint all about arrays. Arrays are where we can help our understanding of multiplication by putting objects/pictures in equal rows and columns to make them easier to add.
Once you have looked at the PowerPoint, complete the worksheet below. Be careful, you need to understand that rows go across horizontally and columns go downwards vertically.
Extra Maths challenge- Complete this extra task, if you are feeling confident using and making arrays.
Afternoon Activites
Music challenge- For today's music task, you need to log onto our special EYFS and KS1 music lesson. The information for this should have been sent out this morning via eeZeeTrip. The lesson begins at 1.15pm and finishes at around 2.00pm.
I can't wait to see you all there.
PE challenge- For the first option today, you can complete the PE lesson from Premier Sport. To do this, you need to go onto the main section of the class page and follow the instructions.
The second option is to complete the next episode in the Cosmic Yoga Adventure series called, 'Tiny the T-Rex'.
The final option is for you to complete yesterday's Joe Wicks PE lesson.
Don't forget to practise your spellings. Today is the final day to learn them as tomorrow is our spelling test. :)
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green group.
I hope you enjoyed all your challenges today. See you all tomorrow on Zoom for our final online session of the half-term.
Mrs Green
Wednesday 10th February 2021
Good morning Year One. I hope that you enjoyed all the challenges that I set for you yesterday.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, RE and Topic. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included this week's spellings. Don't forget to practise them as our spelling test is on Friday.
Have fun completing your challenges for today.
Mrs Green
Morning Activities
Literacy challenge- For today's task, I would like you to pretend to be the wolf. You need to think, feel and talk like the wolf. First of all, you may want to complete a 'hot seating' activity. Get your grown-up or friends to ask you questions, and you need to answer them as if you are the wolf. Once you have done that, I want you to keep pretending to be the wolf and write an apology letter to Granny. You need to say sorry for what you did. (See today's PowerPoint for more support on this task).
Maths challenge- First of all, I would like you to watch this video all about repeated addition/groups of. This will reinforce the work we completed yesterday, but will also get you in the right frame of mind to complete today's task.
Once you have watched the video, I would like you to complete one of the worksheets below. The 1 starred worksheet is easiest and the 3 starred worksheet is the hardest. Pick which one you think is suitable for you. To complete the worksheet, you need to fill on the boxes by counting the number shapes, then count them all together to give you the answer.
RE challenge- Today, we are going to look at another story from the Bible, which is called, 'Jesus Turned Water Into Wine'(John 2:1-11). You can watch an animated version of the story below, or have a look at it on the PowerPoint, with a grown-ups support.
Once you have watched the story or read the PowerPoint above, I would like you to complete the worksheet below. You need to write a sentence or more to match each picture from the story.
Well done for another super day of home learning. See you all tomorrow at 9am on Zoom.
Mrs Green
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Good morning Year One. I hope that you enjoyed all the challenges that I set for you yesterday.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, ICT and a reading task. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included this week's spellings. Don't forget to practise them as our spelling test is on Friday.
Literacy challenge- For today's task, I would like you to have a go at completing the speech bubbles below. There is one for each of the four characters from the story. You need to think of what these characters could say and write that in the speech bubbles.
Maths challenge- For today's Maths task, you are going to complete the worksheet below. You need to think today about the word 'equal'. When something is equal, it means that it is the same. It is important when looking at multiplication, that all groups are equal.
ICT challenge- Today is, 'Safer Internet Day'. This is a day where (more than ever) we need to think about the importance of being safe when using the internet. First of all, I would like you to read the PowerPoint below. Then you can choose one or two from the range of activities to complete.
Reading Challenge- For your final task today, I would like you to read one or both of the Comic strips below. The first one is easier than the second, have fun!
Don't forget to learn your spellings too :)
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green's group.
I hope you enjoy all your tasks today. I'm already looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
Mrs Green
Monday 8th February 2021 (Our final week of the half term)
Good morning Year One. I hope that you all had a lovely relaxing weekend and did some nice activities.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, PE and Science. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included this week's spellings. Don't forget to practise them as our spelling test is on Friday.
Literacy challenge- For the first part of today's task, I would like you to re-read the PowerPoint below, which shows an original version of the Little Red Riding Hood story.
Once you have looked at the PowerPoint, complete the activity below. There are lots of words, which can be used to describe the characters or something which can be associated with them. You need to cut them out and stick them next to the correct character. Some of the words could describe more than one character, so in this instance, you just need to choose one.
Maths challenge- Today, we are going to begin our new topic on multiplication. For our first lesson, we are going to recap doubling. When we double a number, we add the number to itself (or x2). Firstly, watch the doubling video below.
Once you have watched the video, there are two worksheets below, which you can choose from to complete. Doubling to 10 or doubling to 20. One is easier than the other, so it is up to you (feel free to complete both.) You need to draw on the other side of the dominoes then count how many dots there are altogether and that will give you the answer.
Have a look at the example below, if you need to see what your worksheet should look like.
Hit the ButtonHere is one of my favourite games EVER! It is called, 'Hit the Button'. You can practise your doubling, by completing these timed games. This will be a fun way to complete you maths activity today.
Afternoon Activities
PE challenge- As always, I will provide you with three possible options that you may want to complete, for your PE lesson today. For the first option, you can complete one of PE lessons from Premier Sport. Information on this can be found on the main section of our class page (before clicking on the home learning star).
The second option is for you to complete the next adventure in the Cosmic Yoga series called, 'Dodgson the Dodo'.
The final option is for you to complete the PE lesson by Joe Wicks from Friday 5th Feb.
Science challenge- For today's task, I would like you to read all the information below. You are then going to be creative and attempt to make something, which our castaway could use to catch rainwater. You can use some materials from outside, but also some useful items have drifted ashore from the shipwreck too. You can see these items listed below. Have fun making your water-catching device!
Don't forget to practise this week's spellings too :)
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green's group.
Well done Year One for another super day of home learning. I hope you have enjoyed today's tasks and I can't wait to see how you get on. Don't forget to send me an email of your work and water-catching devices to
See you all tomorrow on Zoom,
Mrs Green
Friday 5th February 2021 (Fri-yay!)
Good morning Year One. I hope that you enjoyed all your challenges from yesterday. I can't believe that another week has almost passed and we're on Friday again.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, Dazzling Darren and a Phonics/Handwriting activity. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included your spelling test for this week. Make sure you click on the right one and have your pens and pencils ready, good luck! At the end of the day's activities, I have included your new spellings for this coming week, which will be tested next Friday 12th February.
Literacy challenge- Today is our final day on completing work surrounding the book, Prince Cinders. I hope you have enjoyed all the different activities that you have been asked today. For your final English challenge this week, I would like you to have a go at writing an explanation. To do this, you need to give your opinion and explain why, using the conjunction because. Complete the worksheet below give an explanation about which was your favourite book, Cinderella or Prince Cinders. I want you to provide at least 3 reasons why. I can't wait to read your opinions. :)
The sentence in red is an example of a sentence which you could write. Don't forget to include the conjunction because.
Maths challenge- Today, we are going to continue looking at money (coins). Look at the worksheet below, today's task is slightly different to yesterday's task. You will see a price (in a yellow box) and you need to choose 1 coin (the best coin) to pay for it. For example, If the amount was 3p, you would pay with a 5p coin as it is the closest coin over that amount.
Dazzling Darren challenge- For this task, I would like you to look at this from the magician, Dazzling Darren.
Click on the link below. This will take you to the Dazzling Darren page. He will be doing a maths lesson and showing you some magic tricks at the same time.
The lesson will be live at 2.30pm and lasts for 30 minutes.
Handwriting/Phonics challenge- Below are your final challenges today, you can do one of them or both. For the handwriting sheet, I would like you to practise you cursive letter formation and then have a go at writing some words (maybe you could practise next week's spellings or some tricky words). The Phonics challenge is to read all the words, then add the sound buttons (sausages and beans) to show your understanding.
Below are you new spellings, which will be tested next Friday 12th February.
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green's group.
Well done again Year One, for another super week, where you have all worked really hard and joined in the Zoom sessions perfectly. This week, we had one day were 28/30 of us were on the lesson, that's amazing! Let's keep it up!
We have one more week left of the half term and then we have a week's break from school, so let's finish our last week on a high!
Miss Jones and I hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday.
Mrs Green
Thursday 4th February 2021
Good morning Year One. I hope that you enjoyed all your challenges from yesterday. I can't believe that is is Thursday already, this week has flown by.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, PE and Topic. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included your spellings for this week. Make sure that you learn those too as the spelling test is TOMORROW!
Literacy challenge- For this task, I would like you to think about the two versions of the Cinderella story that we have read over the last few weeks. The original version of Cinderella and Prince Cinders. You need to write the similarities and differences onto the venn diagram on the worksheet. See below for my attempt, there are lots more, but I didn't want to tell you them all.
Maths challenge- For this task today, I would first of all like you to watch the two videos below, which will recap the coins and remind you how to add money.
UK Coins Explained for Kids - Maths Money Learning Video
KS1 Maths: Recognising and Counting UK Coins
Once you have watched the videos, have a go at the worksheet below. You need to draw the coins that you would use to make the amounts. For example, If need to make 4p, you could use a 2p + 2p.
PE challenge- Once again for your PE task today, there are three options for you to choose between. The first option is to complete the Premier Sport daily lesson, by visiting the PDF on the main section of our class page (before clicking on the home learning icon).
The second option is for you to complete the next Cosmic Yoga Adventure called Stezzi The Parrot.
The final option is for you to complete a PE activity from yesterday, by Joe Wicks.
Topic challenge- For today's task I would like you to have a look at the castles and knights vocabulary below. Then I would like you to order the words in alphabetical order. I will also include a photograph of the alphabet to, in order to help you out.
Don't forget to practise your spellings too, today is your last chance :)
I hope that you enjoy all your challenges today Year One. Miss Jones and I will look forward to seeing you tomorrow on our final zoom of the week.
Mrs Green
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Good morning Year One. I hope that you enjoyed all your challenges from yesterday.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, RE and History. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included your spellings for this week. Make sure that you learn those too.
Literacy challenge- First of all, I would like you to have a look at the time connectives below. We use these at the start of a sentence to help us to order the information.
I have then had a go at writing the beginning of the story, in my own words. I have tried to use some of the time connectives listed above, but also some other good word choices.
Now I would like you to have a go at writing your own version of the beginning of story. You can do this as easy or as difficult as you choose. You can use the words below to help you with your ideas. The lower down the words go, the further on in the story it goes. Good luck!
Maths challenge- For today's lesson we are going to practise counting in 10's. First of all, I want you to watch the Jack Hartmann video below and join in with counting in 10's.
Now you have watched the video, I would like you to complete the two worksheets below. The first one is similar to the counting work that we have completed over the last few days and on the second sheet you need to fill in the missing numbers (with counting in 10s).
RE challenge- For today's task, I would like you to look at the story below. This is another story from the Bible called, 'Jesus feeds the 5000' (Matthew 14: 13-21). You can watch a version of the story too on the YouTube linkbelow.
The Story of Two Fish and Five Loaves I Animated Bible Story For Children | HolyTales Bible Stories
Once you have looked at the story, complete the activity sheets below. You will see two pictures from different points in the story. You need to write a sentence/a couple of sentences to match the pictures.
Use this word mat to help with your sentences too.
History challenge- Today we are going to be looking at London (in more detail). Below are a range of photographs, some are from now and some are from the past. Can you cut them out and sort them onto the right grid? Feel free to add some drawings, of other things that you could add to the boxes too.
I hope you all have fun completing your challenges today. I can't wait to see some of your work.
See you tomorrow,
Mrs Green
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Good morning Year One. I hope that you enjoyed all your challenges from yesterday.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, Art and ICT. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included your spellings for this week. Make sure that you learn those too.
Literacy challenge- For the first part of this task today, I would like you to have a look at the information below. These are descriptive ideas about the brothers, followed by some descriptive sentences, where the ideas have been expanded and more detail is given.
Next, I would like you to have a go. Copy and complete these sentence prompts to form descriptive sentences about Prince Cinders. Can you add adjectives and conjunctions to make your sentences longer and more interesting?
Maths challenge- Firstly, I would like to watch and join in with the counting 5's video below. It's a Count by 5 Fitness Fiesta by Jack Hartmann. Can you see that when we count in 5's all the numbers end in a 5 or a 0?
Once you have watched the video, I would like you to complete the worksheet below. It is very similar to yesterday's task. However, today you need to highlight the numbers in the 5x table (counting in 5s). Complete the grid by circling all the multiples of 5 and then also add some information to the boxes.
Art challenge- For your creative task today, I would like you to have a go at making one of these paper birds. If you have all the equipment needed perfect, if not, it will work with two pieces of paper and some scissors (make sure a grown-up helps you). Watch the video and follow the instructions to create a DIY bird. This lesson will follow on nicely from the Big Garden Bird Watch activities that you completed yesterday.
DIY-Craft How to make Bird🐦"Easy hanging Bird"____[DIY-paper craft] #2
ICT challenge- For this task today, I would like you to have a go at typing. Either on a Microsoft Word document or on a email. Once you have typed a short message, have a go at changing the font, size and colour. Have a look at the photographs below to see more information on how to do this. Have fun!
Extra challenge- For an added task today, have a look at the comic strip below. :)
Don't forget to practise your spellings too :)
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green's group.
Enjoy all your challenges today children. I will see you all tomorrow at 9am on Zoom.
Don't forget, Mr Wright's assembly is on Zoom at 2.30pm. See today's eeZee trip message for all the information about this.
Mrs Green
Monday 1st February 2021
Good morning Year One. I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock. Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, PE and a one of lesson on The Big Garden Bird Watch by the RSPB. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included your spellings for this week. Make sure that you learn those too.
Literacy challenge- For today's lesson, we are going to be focusing on nouns (naming words). There a several different types of nouns, but we are just going to be focusing on proper nouns (the names of specific people and places), which all need to begin with a capital letter and common nouns, which don't need a capital letter. First of all, have a look at the first page from out story, can you spot any nouns?
What are nouns?Here is a video, which you can also watch all about nouns.
Now complete this worksheet. You need to be a teacher today. Can you see that I have made lots of mistakes? Firstly, you need to identify all the proper nouns in the first section. (Remember a proper noun is the specific name of a person or place). Then in section 2, you need to correct the sentences making sure that the proper nouns have capital letters.
Maths challenge- For this task, we are going to be focusing on counting in 2's. First of all, I would like you to join in with this counting in 2's video by Jack Hartmann.
After watching the video, have a go at the worksheet below. First of all, you need to finish the counting in 2s pattern on the number grids (be careful on section 2 as there are some n umbers missing as well) and then complete the boxes to match. Make sure you write your numbers the correct way around.
PE challenge- For today's active lesson, there are three options of exercise that you can choose from. Firstly, you can go onto our class page (home page) and the click on the PDF under the photograph below. This will direct you to a PE lesson from Premier Sports. There are also other activities, which you can complete every day, throughout the week.
The second option is to complete the next lesson from Cosmic Yoga Adventures called, 'Alan the Camel'.
The final option today is to complete the PE lesson by Joe Wicks from Friday 29th Jan.
Science lesson- For a one off Science lesson today, I would like you to do some work based around, 'The Big Garden Bird Watch,' which was an event that happened over the weekend (from 29th-31st January). The RSPB charity want us all to take part in this activity to boost our moods and make us more aware of the nature around us. Below, I have attached a range of activities, which you may want to complete. You can do them all, one or some of them. The important thing is to get outside, in your gardens or go for a walk and see if you can find any of the wonderful birds.
Enjoy your challenges today! I can't wait to see how you get on with your work. I am already looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
Mrs Green
Friday 29th January 2021 (Fri-yay!)
Good morning Year One. Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock.
Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, Dazzling Darren (Magic Maths) and Topic. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included today's spelling test and your new spellings to be learnt this week. They will be tested next Friday 5th February 2021.
Literacy challenge- For the first part of your task, I would like you to watch and join in with the video called, 'Exercise, Rhyme and Freeze' by Jack Hartmann. This will introduce us to rhyming words.
Once you have watched the video, I would like you to complete the rhyming words activity below. You need to cut out the boxes and then match up the rhyming words. Don't forget, rhyming words have the same sound at the end. For example, day and play.
Maths challenge- For today's task, we are going to complete our last lesson based on mass. This challenge is called, 'Order, order, order!' I have completed section 1 below, by ordering the 4 activities from the shortest to the longest. I would know like you to order the other two sections, from shortest to longest.
Geography challenge- For this task today, I would like you to read through the PowerPoint below. This will tell you all about parts of castle. Once you have looked at the PowerPoint, you can also look at the photographs too.
Dazzling Darren Challenge (Magic Maths)-For this task, I would like you to look at this from the magician Dazzling Darren.
Click on the link below. This will take you to the Dazzling Darren page. He will be doing a maths lesson and showing you some magic tricks at the same time.
The lesson will be live at 2.30pm and lasts for 30 minutes.
Here are your new spellings for this week. These will be tested next Friday 5th February. Good luck learning them!
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green's group.
Once again, we have had another fantastic week of online learning. Miss Jones and I are so proud of your commitment and attitude towards our sessions. It is so nice for me to receive work, that you have completed at home. You're doing a fantastic job children.
We hope that you have a lovely, enjoyable weekend and we will look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning at 9 o'clock on Zoom.
Mrs Green
Thursday 28th January 2021
Good morning Year One. Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock.
Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, PE and Topic. As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
Don't forget that you can email me your work at
I have also included your spellings for this week, at the bottom of today's tasks. Today is the last day that you can practise them as we have our test tomorrow.
Literacy challenge- For the first part of the task, I would you to look at the first two pages of the Prince Cinders story below. Use your detective skills to find all the adjectives and discuss their meanings with a grown-up.
Once you have completed that task, I would like you to use the adjectives (describing words) from the worksheet below and put them into descriptive sentences. Your sentences can be based on any topic. For example, 'The scruffy dog likes to jump and splash in puddles.'
Maths challenge- For today's task, I would like you to have a go at these problems, which are all based on mass/weight. Use the skills that you have learnt this week and prior knowledge to answer the questions. Some of them require more than one answer and others you will really need to think about. You can complete all of them or just some, it is up to you!
Afternoon Activities
PE challenge- There are three options which you can choose from for your PE challenge today. The first one, the information is below. To complete this challenge, you will need to go onto the Year 1 homepage (before you click on the home learning star) and you will be able to click on the links from there.
The second option is to complete the next episode of the Cosmic Yoga series called, 'Sheriff Updown the Rabbit.'
Your final option today is to complete Joe Wicks' PE lesson from yesterday.
Topic challenge- For your final task of the day, I would like you to create a poster all about Coronavirus. Have a look at the photograph below, for ideas. Have a think about what pictures you could draw and what writing you could include too.
Don't forget to practise your spellings for the spelling test tomorrow. :)
Miss Jones' group.
Miss Meacher's group.
Mrs Green's group.
Well done for completing all your challenges today and for joining me on Zoom this morning too. I am already looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Mrs Green
Wednesday 27th January 2021
Good morning Year One. Well done for joining me on the Zoom lesson this morning at 9 o'clock.
Below are the four challenges that I would like you to complete today, these include Literacy, Maths, RE and History . As always, the PowerPoint from our online lesson is attached below and it will provide you with more support for the challenges, if it is needed.
I have also included your spellings for this week, at the bottom of today's tasks.