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Children Isolating July 2021





I hope you are all well and still smiling. You will be back in school very soon and we cannot wait for you to returnsmiley

I have added some work below for you to keep you busy. It is the same we are doing in class so you will not miss anything. 

Keep safe, keep smiling. yeslaugh

Love from Mrs Martin heart


This week we will continue our under the sea learning and we will be moving onto our next mini topic,  'Pirates'.


Reading and Phonics


We can arrange for a reading book for you if you can get someone to pick it up for you. If not then have a look on the oxford owl free ebooks website and you can use some of those.



Play phonic games on  the phonics play website


Watch alphablocks-

phase 5 alternative spellings for Miss Meacher's group looking at 

ay, ie, ea ir ue oy digraphs and their alternative spellings.


 Phase 3 - ear air  ure for Mrs Martin's group


 Phase 3 - ch,  sh,   th,    for Miss Jone's group


Look on you tube for letters and sounds daily phonic lessons for the correct phase you need.




Start the week by writing about your weekend.

What do you do?

Who with? etc. 



Then I would like you to think about Pirates-

(Do not research them just yet, I just want you to think about what you know). 

what do you know about pirates? 

Can you write a list of the things you already know about pirates?

e.g. hunt for treasure

       wear an eye patch

Can you turn your list into sentences? 

e.g. A pirate likes to  sail the seas to hunt for treasure. 


Now it is time for you to investigate. 

What can you find out about pirates? any new and interesting facts? 




In maths this week we are starting to look at time. 

We will be thinking about the days of the week. Can you sing the days of the week song to your grown up? 


Can you say which days come before or after days your grown up says. 

e.g. What day comes before Sunday? 

       What day comes after  Thursday? 

       What day comes before Wednesday?

       What day comes after Saturday? 

       What day comes before Monday?


We will then be looking at clock faces and finding out where the numbers go, what they are for and what the hands are for. 

We will be making our own paper clock faces. 


Later in the week we  will begin to look at reading and making o'clock times.



Knowledge and Understanding 

We have been talking lots about our rubbish and pollution.

Can you find out about how pollution effects the ocean and the animals that live in the ocean?

Can you make a poster to help people understand? 



Expressive Art and Design

We will be drawing and painting pirates


Have fun, Mrs Martin laughyes




