Google Classroom Information
Please find below step by step instructions on how to access Google Classrooms from home.
*Some tablets devices will need the Google Docs App for children to be able to complete assignments to send back to the teacher. If you find you cannot edit an assignment set by the teacher, download the Google docs app and this should fix it.*
1. You need to use this web address or click on it to go straight to the log in page:
2. You should see this screen:
3. Next log in with your child's username and password.
4. You should then see this screen:
5. Click on the Google Classroom icon, which is the first icon on the left:
6. Then you will see the different subjects for your child's class. The image below says Year 4, this is just to show you what it will look like:
7. Next, click on a subject and you will see any assignments that have been posted by the class teacher.