Good Morning Reception
How are you today?
Did you have a nice weekend?
In our story last week we read the story of the polar bear and the snow cloud. This week we are going to look a little bit more at polar bears.
What do you know about polar bears?
Talk to your adult about what you already know about them and make a list of your answers.
I have put an image below that might help you.
Adults- this is a starting list of what the children know/observe about polar bears. Please do not research it as that will be tomorrows task.
Now look at the piture of the polar bear.
Can you name the different parts of the polar bear?
I have added a sheet below for you to label.
Remember to stretch the words and write down the sounds you hear.
Do not forget to join in with your phonics lesson today.
Mrs Martin's phonics group -11.30am
You will be looking at the digraph 'er' and revising previous sounds this week.
Miss Meacher's phonics group- 11am
You will be looking at the diagraph 'ee' and trigraph ‘igh’ this week.
Mrs Burn's phonics group -10.30am
You will look at the sound 'e' and digraph 'ck' this week.
I have added your warm up phonic song below.
Good Afternoon Reception
Start with your number warm up song below.
This afternoon I would like you to start with your maths number warm up. Use your flash cards to say the numbers and then put them in order. Today is number writing day. (See game link below)
I would like you to write your numbers for me.
Can you write to 20?
Can you write your numbers up to 30?
Can you write your numbers up to 110?
Make sure your numbers are the right way round.
In your work packs there are some missing numbers sheets where you have to complete the number ladders and number lines or hundred squares. Pick one to complete today or use the ones below.
Which one can you do?
Final challenge
In our winter learning we have found out about the animals and what they do in winter.
Some of the animals find it hard to get food during the winter so I thought we could try to help them out by making a bird feeder.
Can you make a bird feeder?
All you need is some peanut butter, bird seed and a toilet roll tube.
Bird watch
Whilst we have lots of time on our hands maybe we could take part in the big garden bird watch 2021.
You can sign up at home, look for or google the big garden bird watch 2021 and see what birds you can spot.
Have a lovely afternoon.
Mrs Martin