Hi Reception,
I hope you are well, happy and smiley
I know you cannot be in school with us at the moment because you have to stay at home.
I have added some work below for you to keep you busy.
It is the same we are doing in class so you will not miss anything.
Keep safe, keep smiling.
Love from Mrs Martin
Daily warm up activity
Practise writing your full name (first and last)
Sing along and learn the days of the week song. (see link)
Discuss the days-
What day is it today?
What day was it yesterday?
Parents/ Carers,
Below are a range of activities linked to our learning for the first half of this term. We start the morning with name writing and a bit of a warm up phonic and number flash cards.
Below are some links and websites to help you
Phonics play
You can play phonic games on the phonics play website
Top marks is a great maths website with lots of activities and games on to play
Watch alphablocks – initial sounds and cvc building
Watch number blocks to develop number sense
Letters and sounds daily phonics Reception
Look on you tube for letters and sounds daily phonic lessons for phase 2 and 3
My phonics group are working on phase three digraphs-ee, oa,oo,ar,or, ur and ow.
Mrs Johnson- phonics
You are working on phase three digraphs- ch sh th, ng, ai,
Mrs Oakes- Phonics
You are working on phase two sounds and digraphs.
You have been looking at u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss.
This week we have started a new story
Have a look at the front cover (before reading the title).
What animal is in the picture?
Do we know any storiesthat have a wolf in them?
What is he holding?
What colour is his shirt?
What else is he wearing?
What do you think the story is ​going to be about? why?
Do you like pancakes?
Before you read the story
Your challenge for today is to do a bit of predicting.
I would like you to draw a wolf and write a sentence about the story. What do you think it is about? Why is he making pancakes? Is it a special occasion like a birthday? What will happen to the pancakes?
I think the story is about Mr Wolf making panckes for hs friends birthday.
Once you have completed your work, I would like you to read the story with your adult.
I have added the you tube link below for you to read the story with your grown up.
Story Activities
Other English and writing activites for the story to be completed throughout the week.
Can you write a shopping list using your phonics?
What will Mr Wolf need?
Can you make a pancake?
Can you draw and write/order the instructions for making a pancake?
Can you sequence and recall the story of Mr Wolf and his pancakes?
What happens in the beginning, middle and end of the story?
Can you draw a picture of Mr Wolf and a thinking (thought) or Speaking(speech) bubble?
What is he saying?
What is he thinking?
This week we will be counting and making amounts.
You can use toys, crayons, pencils, coins, biscuits or anything you can find around the house to help you count and make amounts.
Can you join in with the counting, subsitizing and number bonds songs below?
Can you make the following amounts using your counting objects and write a number to match them?
5 7 3 10 2 9 18 11 5 1 20 16 2 6 12 4 24 13 7 14 8 17 29 25 30
Can you write your numbers?
How far can you go?
Can you write your numbers up to 5? 10? 20? 50? 100?
Can you count a set of objects (given by grown-up) and match to the correct number card?
Can you complete the missing number sequences?
1,2,....,4.....,6,7,8 ........10,11, ........13, ........,15,
10,11,......, .........., 14 ........., ........., 17, 18, ........, ..........,
17,18,19, ......., 21........, 23,24, ......., .........., ........,28,29........
Afternoon Challenges
What is a woodland?
What will you see if you went to the woods?
What animals live in the woods?
Can you find out about the woods/woodlands?
Can you draw/paint or make a picture of the woods?
Can you draw your favourite woodland creature?
Can you make a bird house or a bird feeder for the birds?
Can you make a woodland picture using twigs, grass, leaves or flowers from the garden?