Welcome to St. Peter's Pastoral Page.
Here you will find useful information to support you and your family's emotional wellbeing. Our school aims to provide the highest quality pastoral care throughout the school. If you feel that your child would benefit from additional support with their emotional health and wellbeing, please contact Mrs Royle (Pastoral Lead) or speak with your child's class teacher. We can also assist you with seeking support from external agencies such as Early Help, Children's Services, housing, food banks, parenting classes etc.
Email: laura.royle@salford.gov.uk
Free School Meals
To see if you are eligible for free school meals, please use link below to complete an application or visit Swinton Gateway. Remember free school meal applications will also lead to free milk at break times, supermarket vouchers during half term, holiday club places and free school uniform. Families this Summer received £15 per child, per week, in vouchers for Asda.
Support with School Uniform
If you need some financial support for school uniform this year, please take a look at the information below from Wood Street Mission.
Our SmartStart School Uniform Project will be accepting orders from Tuesday 3rd May.
Our free uniform packs include;
The guidance and forms are attached here.
Please read this guidance before returning any forms. This will save time and get help to families most effectively.
All the contact details are in the guidance if you need further help.
Please bear in mind, returns or exchanges will not be possible.
The Wood Street Team
Wood Street Mission
26 Wood Street
M3 3EF
Tel 0161 834 3140
Worried about your housing? Need financial advice? Whatever the reason, Salford Citizens Advice can offer a wide range of support.
Need some parenting tips? Scan the QR code below and see what support is available.
Take a look at our weekly Swinton Neighbourhood News. It is filled with useful information regarding neighbourhood policing, Skills City enrolment, youth wellbeing, young carers, supporting your community and much more.
Are you interested in extending your parenting skills? If so, join the online Solihull parenting courses. All courses are free if you are a Salford resident and range from 0-19 years old. They are full of great advice and inspiration for parents, grandparents and carers.
Useful links:
The Bread and Butter Thing makes life more affordable for families and reduces food waste. Why not read the members booklet below for further information.
Here are some examples of the items you can get with your weekly subscription.
Children's Mental Health
The children's mental health charity, Place2Be, has launched a new website aimed at helping parents with typical situations they can find themselves in with their children.
Advice can be found on over forty topics including:
The Parenting Smart website can found here: https://parentingsmart.place2be.org.uk/
Salford Assist
Life can sometimes throw the unexpected at you. Did you know that Salford City Council offer short term support in a crisis or emergency? If you find yourself in a situation where you need the basic essentials such as emergency baby milk, gas or electric (if there is no heating in the household) or essential furniture, contact Salford Assist.
Salford Household Support Fund
Over the nest few months, Salford households will be able to access the Household Support Fund. If you need assistance paying for food, utility bills or keeping your house warm in the winter months, apply for the household Support Fund via the web address below. You do not need to be in receipt of benefits to apply.
Financial Advice
Salford Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service can help you claim for benefits, appeal decisions you don't agree with and help anyone struggling with debt. Get free confidential and independent advice on your benefits or debt problems using this web address: