I hope you are well and happy.
I know you cannot be in school with us at the moment because you have to stay at home. I have added some work below for you to keep you busy. It is the same we are doing in class so you will not miss anything.
Keep safe, keep smiling.
Love from Mrs Martin
Reading and Phonics
We can arrange for a reading book for you if you can get someone to pick it up for you. If not then have a look on the oxford owl free ebooks website and you can use some of those.
Play phonic games on the phonics play website
Watch alphablocks- phase 5 alternative spellings for Miss Meacher's group
Phase 3 - ear air ure for Mrs Martin's group
Phase 3 - ch, sh, th, for Miss Jone's group
Look on you tube for letters and sounds daily phonic lessons for the correct phase you need.
We have been busy learning about animals that live under the sea and we have been writing sentences (using adjectives) to describe them.
We have also been reading riddles and trying to guess the sea creatures.
I have added some riddles below for you.
Can you solve them?
I have a shell I have three hearts
I walk sideways I have eight legs
I have claws I am very clever
What am I? What am I ?
I have five arms
I have no blood
I eat meat
I cannot swim
What am I?
Did you guess them?
Some were very tricky.
Can you write a couple of your own riddles?
We are going to be finding out about sharks this week.
Can you do some research and find some interesting facts out about sharks?
Can you draw a shark and write your facts?
Can you label a picture with the different parts of a shark?
This week we are continuing with our subtraction work.
We will be taking away and reading/writing our own number sentences.
Can you solve the subtraction sums below?
Pick the ones that you can do.
Are you going to work it out using objects? On a number line? or in your head?
Do not forfget there are lots of subtraction games on the Topmarks website to play linked to subtraction and you can watch numberblocks for you understanding number.
7-5= 10-8= 20-7= 20-10=
12-2= 15-4= 16-4= 20-9=
10-5= 11-9= 12-5= 20-6=
8-4= 18-6= 19-10= 20- 4=
9-3 5-5 = 13-5= 15-8=
Now pick a sheet below to do.
Can you paint or make an under the sea or sea animal collage?
Or yopu could try one of the home learning challenges from you topic plan.