Good Morning Reception 06.01.21
How are you today?
Well done to everyone that completed their work yesterday and thank you for your emails and pictures. They made me very proud and happy. It is always lovely to see you and the work you are doing.
Parents if you have photographs or pictures of the children's work you can email them to me via the school email.
I am really excited today because I get to see and speak to you all on our zoom sessions at 8.30am and 12.30pm today.
Make sure you are wide awake and ready to go.
This morning we will be carrying on with our normal warm up phonics and tricky words before we start to think about winter.
What do you already know about winter?
Can you tell your adult?
Look at the picture below and think about the things you can see.
(Word document below)
Can you answer my questions?
What can you see in the picture?
What is the weather like?
How can you tell?
What are the children doing?
What are the children doing in the background?
How are the children feeling?
How do you know?
What are the children riding on in the background?
Now your task is to find out about winter at home.
I have added a ppt below to help you.
Writing challenge
Can you write down your facts about winter?
For phonics today I would like you to listen and join in with the tricky words song. Read the words along with the song. Can you spell them out for your adult?
Mrs Martin - Phonics
My phonics group we are currently working on the 'ar' and 'or' digraphs . I have added a simple video below that works on those sounds.
I have also added some pictures below that contain those sounds. Can you write them? Can you write a sentence about two of the pictures or maybe a question?
Mrs Burns - Phonics
In phonics with Mrs Burns the children have been working on their initial sounds.
They are currently up to 'm'. Watch the video below to start with and then practise writing 'm'.
Now can you go on a letter hunt around the house and find things that begin with 'm'. You could draw and label them, take a picture and send it to me at the above address or just talk to your adult about them.
Miss Meacher- phonics
In phonics with Miss Meacher the children have been looking at the digraph 'qu'. Please practise writing 'qu' and watch the video below. Now write down what you see below.
Can you think of any words that begin with 'qu' ?
Can you read the caption below?
A duck can quack.
Good Afternoon Reception
How did you get on this morning?
Did you find out any new and interesting facts about winter?
This afternoon I would like you to continue with your maths work.
Start with your normal warm up maths using the get fit and count to 100 song/dance I added yesterday (below).
Then do your number recognition using flash cards (Use the images from yesterday).
For your maths challenge today, I would like you to write your numbers.
Can you write your numbers to 10?
Remember they need to be formed correctly and the right way round.
You could even go on a number hunt to find all the numbers you can around the house, on your front door. Have a look and see what numbers you can find.
Have fun
Love from Mrs Martin x
Click on the link above or search for the Top marks website and type in caterpillar ordering.
Select sequencing and counting in ones 0-100. To play the number sequencing game.
Wow! You have all been working super hard today. Well done Reception.
For your final challenge today I would like you to work on your creative skills. At the end of last term I sent home your winter topic with your home learning challenges on.
(This can be found under Spring 1 icon on this page). I would like you to pick one of the challenges and have a go at it.
Have fun
Love from Mrs Martin x
Good Morning Reception 5.1.21
I hope you are all well and ready to work.
Today is going to be a little bit different (and the next few weeks) as you will be working from home with the help of your adults.
Each day I will be setting you some work to do at home and I will be speaking to you over zoom (just like when Mr Wright does his assemblies) and checking on how you are getting on.
Today we will start the day like any other day and that is by writing our full names in our best handwriting.
Then I would like you to do a quick warm up of our sounds and tricky words. Tell them to your adult. (Read below) Don't forget to say the letter name and the letter sound.
s S a A t T p P i I n N m M d D o O g G b B
c C d D e E f F h H j J k K l L qu Q r R u U
v V w W x X y Y z Z
Digraphs /Trigraphs
ff ll ss qu ck ee ng sh ch th ai oo ar or igh
Tricky words
Remember you cannot sound these ones out.
the all he we me she at it in an I and the
no go is to be so into they all you was my her .
Well done!
Next I would like you to do your English work.
Yesterday we started to talk about our holidays and our favourite Christmas presents.
I would like you to continue to think about your favourite Christmas present and write a couple of sentences about it.
e.g. My favourite Christmas present was my pink scooter with flashing lights on it.
Some of you got lots of presents and said that you had two favourite presents so you can write about both of them. Remember to use your magic writing tool bag and best handwriting.
Think about what you need to start your sentences with, don't forget finger spaces and a full stop at the end.
I look forward yo reading it!
After play we would normally be doing our reading in class. Please make sure you read your reading book and sounds too.
Remember to try your best, work hard and be good for your grown ups.
Love from Mrs Martin
Good afternoon Reception
How did you get on this morning?
This afternoon I would like you to work on your maths work.
We always start with a warm up and wake and shake. I have added a video below for you to join in with.
After the video we would look at our numbers and identify them.
Look at the numbers below and say them to you adult
1 5 7 9 12 14 6 2 3 4 8 11 13 10
15 17 19 16 20 21 25 27 29 22 26 23 30
24 35 46 58 62 75 100 101
Now have a go out filling in the missing numbers in the number lines below.
2 3 4 ...... 6 ...... 8 ....... 10
1..... 3...... 5...... 7....... ........ ........
1 ..... 3.....5 ...... ........ ........ 9 10
6...... 8.....10..... 12 ...... 14 ......16
15 16 ...... 18...... ........ ....... 22 23 .....
10 ...... 12 ....... ....... ........ 16 ..... ....... ......
20 ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... 26 ...... 28 ...... 30
21 ...... 23..... 25 .......27 ...... 29 ....... 30
Can you make up some tricky ones for your adult to solve?
After your maths I would like you to get a bit of exercise.
You can dance, hop, skip, go for a walk or on your scooters.
It is important that we get lots of fresh air and exercise.
Have a lovely afternoon
Love from Mrs Martin