Good Morning Reception
Do not forget it is show and tell this afternoon.
It is Fabulous Friday!
What an amazing first week back we have had.
Well done everybody for your super efforts.
Today it is dough gym and handwriting so make sure you have
your dough pots ready!
Remember if you do not have any dough you can do it on your hands like we do in class when our dough is too sticky!
If you do not make the zoom lesson I have added the song below for you to make up your own dough disco moves.
This week we are going to work on our tail letters, the letters that sit on the line with a long tail.
We will work on the following letters.
y g p q
I have added a ppt below with the formation on to help you.
Excellent phonics work this week
Do not forget to join in with your zoom lessons.
Your phonics work is below.
My phonics group
This week I want you to work on using all of your phonic knowledge to do a little quiz.
I have added a ppt below for you.
Miss Meacher's phonics group
Can you write the words for the pictures below?
I have added it to a worksheet for you.
Can you write a sentence or a question for the pictures below?
Mrs Burn's phonics group
Can you complete the activities below?
Can you write the sounds for the pictures below?
This afternoon we are going to continue with positional language work.
Start with quick write numbers warm up.
Adults- call out a number for your child to write down for you.
Your challenge this afternoon is to listen to you grown-up and draw the objects where they tell you to draw it.
Your grown-up will be using positional language .
Final challenge
This week I would like you to think about what you are thankful for.
I am thankful for the sunshine this week. It has made me smile and I can see that spring is on the way as some flowers in our outdoor area are starting to grow.
What are you thankful for?
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Martin