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Home Learning 7th January


                                                    Good Morning Reception   



Did you see the snow this morning?

Make sure during the morning you try to get out and have a little bit of fun in the snow.yes


How are you today?

Don’t forget  to join  in with our zoom lesson this morning  at 8.30am.

Today we are going to continue to think about winter time and use all of our interesting facts from yesterday to write some sentences about winter.

Have a look at the pictures below. I would like you to try to write a sentence about each picture. E.g. In winter it is cold.


In winter it is cold and icy.


Do  your best handwriting, don’t forget your fingers spaces  and a full stop.

Can you try to extend you sentences using our conjunctions ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘because’?


Can you make up your own sentence about winter?

Have fun

Love Mrs Martin




Mrs Martin's group

My phonics group we are going to continue with  ‘or’ and revisit previous digraphs.

Look at the images below and label them.

 Can you now put them into a question for me?

 (Remember the question mark will replace your full stop).


Is it dark at night?


Adults the pictures are park, moon, queen, light, boat and feet.

Don't forget to practise your tricky words and how to spell them.


Tricky words :  you  her  all  they



Miss Meacher's phonics group


You are going to continue with the 'qu' digraph and revisit previous sounds. Look at the pictures below, sound them out and write them down. 


Adults the pictures are; cat, huff, sock, kiss, van and well.


Can you read the 'qu' words below? 

Remember to segment the sounds  qu i ck  and then blend them back together. 


    queen      quilt     quick   quack 



Mrs Burn's phonics group

We are going to continue to work on our 'm' sound and previous sounds. Please look at the pictures and label the sounds you hear. Some of you can hear more than one sound so use them to try and write the words. 

Adults the picture words are pin, mat, sit, dog. 


Have a lovely morning,

Love from Mrs Martin  heart





                                            Good Afternoon Reception 


This afternoon I would like you to continue with your maths work.

Practise your numbers by reading and writing then answer my 1 more and 1 less than questions below. 


 1 more than 7 =                     1 less than 7 =                      Challenge

1 more than 10=                     1 less than 6=                       2 more than 19=

1 more than15=                      1 less than 12=                     2 more than 16 =

1 more than 19=                     1 less than 15 =                    2 less than 20 =

1more than 16=                      1 less than  27=                    3 less than 17=

1 more than 22 =                    1 less than 24=                     3 more than 2=

1 more than 18=                     1 less than 5=                       4 more than 22=

1 more than 25 =                    1 less than 22 =                   3 less than 18 =



The children are at different levels with their maths so just pick the ones that they can do. 

Leopards are working with numbers up to 12.

Toucans and Elephants with numbers up to 20/30.

Crocodiles and Monkeys with numbers 30 and beyond. 

Some of the children can work out these in their head by counting on.

Others will need to use counters (coins, pens, Lego anything they can use to count).



Your last challenge for today is to do something to help your adult.

It could be draw them a lovely picture, tidy up, help them do some jobs. 


Have a lovely day and remember to be good for your adults.

Mrs Martin x
