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Home Learning 28th January

            Good Morning Reception smiley




How are you feeling today? 

We are going to continue with our story

'The Polar Bear and the Snow Cloud'.

Read it again with your adult  and think about the beginning, middle and the end of the story. 


Look at   the pictures below.




Can you put them in order to retell the story? 


Today we are going to retell the story in order. 


Crocodiles, Monkeys and Elephants

We will use the word  first, next, then, after that and finally to help us sequence the story.



First the snow cloud made a  ........ for the polar bear to play with.


 Next it made a ........ for the polar bear ........



Toucans and Leopards


Can you order the pictures and write a sentence about the story?


Example- The snow cloud made some friends for the polar bear. 


Good luck yes


Do not forget to join in with your phonics lesson today.

Mrs Martin's phonics group -11.30am

You will be looking at the trigraphs ‘air’ and ‘ure’ this week.

Miss Meacher's phonics group- 11am

You will be looking at the diagraph 'ng' and ‘ai’ this week.

Mrs Burn's phonics group -10.30am

You will look at the sound 'c' and 'k' this week.


Count by 2 | Dancing 2's | Skip Counting by 2 | Count to 100 | Educational Songs | Jack Hartmann

                            Good Afternoon Reception laugh


This afternoon we will start with our number warm up- counting in 2's. 

I have added the song/dance below. 

How are you getting on with your counting in two's? 

How far can you count in two's? 

Can you write them down?


We will continue with our 3D shape.

Can you remember the name of the 3D shapes below?



Have a look at the pictures/worksheets below.

What shapes can you see? 

Can you count how many of each shape are in my pictures? 




Yesterday we were busy finding 3D shapes in our environment.

Have a look at the sheet below.

Which shapes around us match the 3D shape on the sheet?



How did you get on? 


Have a look at my shape picture below (or print off the worksheet).

Can you count how many of each shape? 



Final challenge



Time to get up and moving. 

I have added another yoga video for your pe lesson today.

If you would prefer to do some other form of exercise like running, skipping, going on your scooter, dancing etc that is fine too.

Just make sure you get upand get moving! laugh yes


Have fun! 

Mrs. Martin

The Very Hungry Caterpillar | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!
