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Autumn 2

Polar Explorers!



Welcome to our new amazing topic!


During this term, we will be learning more about the polar regions, the animals that live there and the brave explorers that have travelled there. We will focus on the the continent of Antarctica, which includes looking at the areas around the North and South Pole. Alongside this, we will learn about the weather, clothing/materials to help us to keep warm and how to make warm food. 

Why don't you take a look at what last years Year 1 got up to?

Maths- 08.12.20 and 10.12.20- During these lessons, we were cutting up different shaped foods to find halves and quarters. We has to make sure that they were equal!

04.12.20- Today, we walked to the Post Office to post our letters. We were so excitied!

Maths- 03.12.20- Today we made repeated pattern decorations. First we designed them and then we made them using strips of paper.

Literacy- 02.12.20- Writing letters to Father Christmas!

Today, we spent the morning writing a letter to Father Christmas. First, we discussed features of a letter. Then, Mrs Green modelled how to write a letter, which included the features that we need to include. Next, we had to think about one or two presents that we really wanted to ask for and then we discussed the importance of saying thank you for our future presents. Now it was finally time for us to write our letters. We all tried to write in our neatest handwriting and make our sentences accurate. Have a look at the pictures above to see the final letter. 


Once our letters were complete, Mrs Green added our addresses to the top, so that a response can hopefully be returned to us. We do know that Santa is busy, but we are looking forward to maybe receiving a letter back, from him. 

Our week learning about Autumn!

DT- 05.11.20- Making leaf hedgehogs

ART- 04.11.20- Apple Printing

03.11.20- DT: Making chocolates conkers :)

03.11.20- Maths: Today, we did our Maths lesson on the ipads. We logged onto the Top marks website and played games, which focused on adding. It was lots of fun!
